
Origen: Homilies on Jeremiah and Homily on 1 Kings 28 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Souls existing before their bodies, witches summoning dead prophets from the underworld, the return of the damned—and the Devil himself—to God in the end, and many other theological speculations surprise the reader of Origen’s Homilies on Jeremiah and I Kings 28. Some of these very theses of the third-century priest from Alexandria, Egypt, were condemned in the Second Council of Constantinople....

in Hades! Why not also Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in Hades? Samuel in Hades! Why not also Moses, who was coupled with Samuel according to the text, Not even if Moses and Samuel stood, I will not listen to them?24 Samuel in Hades! Why not also Jeremiah in Hades, to whom it was said, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you came out of your mother, I sanctified you?25 Isaiah is also in Hades, Jeremiah also in Hades, all of the Prophets in Hades! 4. The person who says these things
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